Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yes. Our Government is great.

Yes, you read the title correctly. An obvious hater of America saying something good about our government?

But, it's true.

We used to use lead based paint in America. Lead poisoning can cause brain damage in children leading to learning disabilities, hearing loss, and many behavioral problems. Pregnant women who are near lead paint put their unborn children at risk.

However, thanks to government regulations, lead paint is off of the market in America.

Unfortunately, the Chinese government doesn't have these same regulations, and their unregulated products are being exported to America.

Some of the products include:
Children's toys covered with lead paint
Toothpaste with antifreeze
Toy ovens that use electricity and have burned children's fingers.

Check the labels on products you buy. If it comes from China, don't buy it.

Thank God for our government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.