Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bong Hits For Who?

We have just witnessed a gross violation of First Amendment rights. Who was the culprit this time? The Supreme Court.

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled against Joseph Frederik, an Alaskan high school student, who held up a sign reading "Bong Hits For Jesus." He was suspended from his school for 10 days.

However, Frederik was off school grounds when he held up the sign. The school had no authority to punish him there.

In a complete coincidence, the four religious conservatives on the court (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito) voted against free speech in this situation. (Maybe they would have ruled in favor of "Bong Hits for Allah.")

So much for President Bush's preference for Justices who "don't legislate from the bench."

By the Supreme Court's ruling, a high school student could be suspended from school for holding up a sign 500 miles from his school.

The American people shouldn't stand for this. We need to fight back and protest. If the Supreme Court isn't going to protect our Constitution, we need to.


Freeda! said...
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