Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Last True Conservative

The Republican party was once okay. When men like Gerald Ford were in power, it was a legitimate party.

Today, the GOP isn't really a party. It's more of a string of ideologies backed by fundamentalists.

The word "conservative" used to mean someone who stood for limited government. A true conservative would not support Bush's expansions of power (The war, wiretapping, etc.). The old Republican party wanted to keep the government out of people's lives.

So now I ask, "Where have all the conservatives gone?"

Then, on The Colbert Report, I saw the last true conservative.

Ron Paul, a republican representative from Texas, is running for president. He calls himself a constitutionalist, or someone who is in favor of following the constitution.

There's something we haven't seen in a while. A president who follows the constitution? The same constitution that our entire government is based on? What a crazy idea.

Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act and the War, two unconstitutional things. However, he is against gun control and taxes, common Republican beliefs. Paul believes that the government should stay out of people's lives.
I don't agree with all of Paul's policies, but I would pick him over Bush and the other GOP lunatics of the any day.

Peggy Noonan, former speechwriter and advisor to Ronald Regan believes that President Bush is leading the GOP to a crash worse than Watergate.

If the Republicans want to avoid this crash, they need break away from Bush and lift the blanket of fundamentalism surrounding the party. People like Paul need to become the Republican norm, not the exception.

I do not pray for the Republican party to crash. I simply hope that the ideologies and fundamentalism will die in favor of reason and constitutionalism.


bumshake said...

The republican party has had one little problem that's gradually grown into a mess and made it an absolute joke- the neo conservatives and the hard core straussians like dick cheney, paul wolfowitz and many more..who have changed the ideals of the party because of their fantasically distorted views of the world. Bush is only a convert into this faith. When they see the fantasised enemies that they have fabricated in the past few decades like former USSR, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran the rest of the middle east and well.. any communist or alternative authotites of state that they find in this world, they are troubled like children in the dark, and create more lies about aything and everything. It's hilarious how they try to avoid embarresment. It was they who tactlessly supplied anyone weapons in afghanistan to fight the USSR, because they were afraid of some dreamy montrous image that the neoconservatives had creatied of what was infact aan unthreatening and collapsing soviet regime, and the weapons fueled more clashes in afhgnaistan, infiltrated into the hands of extremists and now USA is fighting an enemy it has created with its own military aid. But they still dont learn and continue to fabricate montrous lies about any country they like, play war in the middle east, and it goes on. I think they should understand that no matter what they call themsleves, they have ended up representing what has become a tactless authoritative imperialist nation, and unless they fight thier shcizophrenia of the world, they're going to make america more and more would be a pity..just because of a bunch of chilish politicians.

DNA Evidence said...

I agree with you, but I don't find the situation "hilarious" at all. I find it extremely scary.

bumshake said...

yes, it is scary..
the way the notion of war has been subverted into a saving grace by politicians, when there is no such thing as a good war as if there is bad peace.
i think USA just needs an Obama