Saturday, June 2, 2007


I'll admit, abortions make me a little squeamish. They aren't something I would openly endorse, but I don't believe that they should be banned.

Many people say that abortions are a problem. It is possible that this is true. However, the solution posed by President Bush and others is to sweep the problem under the rug.

Banning abortions is a cowardly and foolish solution.

It's not even a real solution because it wouldn't solve anything. A ban on abortions would create a wave of underground abortions. These underground practices wouldn't have any sort of regulations and would probably be performed by unlicensed people.

What would happen next? Women would get hurt and possibly killed.

There are better ways to solve this problem.

School curriculum's need to teach about birth control. Students need to learn, from a young age, about condoms, pills, spermicide, etc. They need to know were to get contraception, how to use them, the risks, and how effective (or ineffective) they are.

Students also need to learn about the risks of sex itself. Oral and anal sex have to be included.

Now don't get all high and mighty and tell me that these things are offensive and indecent. Pretending that they don't exist is cowardly. Yes, it's true, sex happens.

Most importantly, these health curriculum's need to stress abstinence. Students need to know that abstinence is the best method of birth control. It's the safest and the only one that will work 100 percent of the time.

Abortions should also be taught about. However, they should be discouraged and seen as a last resort.

In addition, birth control needs to be readily accessible. Young people need to know that you don't need to be 18 to buy a condom, and they need to know where to go to get one.

Abortions should still be allowed, though. They are necessary. If a woman is raped, she shouldn't have to bear the baby if she doesn't want to. If there is an danger to the pregnant woman, denying her an abortion would be evil. If a family is too poor to afford to have another child, they should have the option to abort.

Yes, these things won't stop abortions, but neither will a total ban.

Bill Clinton put it the best when he said that abortions should be safe, legal, and rare.

Banning abortions would be so much easier than the solutions I (and others) have proposed, but as Albus Dumbledore said, "Sometimes we have to make the choice between doing what is right and what is easy."


Kaushik said...

In my opinion, the issue of abortion, from an ethical standpoint, cannot be resolved. It's all about where you draw the line.

Now I am pro-choice, but I don't know how to defend my position when someone asks me if I would be pro-choice about infanticide as well.

Where does one draw the line between a living being with rights and a clump of cells?


Cirrus Spray said...

I'm very tempted to be pro-choice. In fact I was very much pro.
But once you take a look at some videos at:

I don't know what to say.

DNA Evidence said...

This is not a black and white issue. Black and white issues are easy to solve. As I said, the solution is not easy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should simply abolish abortion. After all it isn't the fault of the fetus that it's unwanted. Stringent anti-abortion laws would only make people a lot more cautious.

And what about abortion going underground? Should we legalize pedophilia for fear of it taking place on the black??

DNA Evidence said...

I appriciate your comment. Hopefully you will encourage others who dissagree to post. We need to hear both sides of the issue.