Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Praise for John McCain

I do lean to the left, and my distrust of the current White House administration has pushed me even farther left. I have no intention of voting for Senator McCain in the next election. However, I still believe in giving praise where it's due.

During one of the Republican debates the issue of torture came up. All the candidates spoke in favor of using "enhanced interrogation techniques."
"Enhanced interrogation techniques" is the new code word for torture. You can either face facts or deny it.

Fortunately there is still one Republican candidate who still qualifies as a human being. That brave man is McCain.

McCain was the only one who spoke out against the use of torture. He is also the only one who can be taken seriously on this issue. He has experienced torture and knows that it is an evil practice.

Torture does not fit with our American values. If we torture we will be no different from those we are fighting. We will be showing weakness and immorality instead of strength and humanity.

Thank you Senator McCain. You are the lone voice of truth and reason in a debate full of blowhards.

Abraham Lincoln said, "Whenever I hear someone make an argument for slavery, I have the urge to see it tried on them personally."

I wonder if Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee would still be in favor of torture if they had experienced what McCain had.

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